Welcome to ExoSim2’s documentation!

Version: 2.0.0rc1

ExoSim is the time domain simulator exoplanet observations first presented in Sarkar et al., 2021. This refactored version is meant to be easy to use and largely customisable: almost every part of the code can be customised by the user.

This guide will walk you through the simulation steps with examples and descriptions of the simulation strategy. The guide goal is to train the user to customise the simulator according to the instrument of the observation needed.





This documentation is not completed yet. If you find any issue or difficulty, please contact the developers for help.


A dedicated publication has been submitted and the relative information will be published soon. In the meantime, please, send an email to the developers.


ExoSim 2 has been developed under the umbrella of Ariel Space Mission, with the support of the Ariel Consortium and the members of Simulator Software, Management and Documentation (S2MD) Working Group.

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During the development of the first alpha and beta versions of this software, L. V. Mugnai was affiliated to Sapienza University of Rome and supported by ASI.

We thank Ahmed Al-Refaie for his support during the development and the inspiration provided by his code: TauREx3 .