Installation & updates

The following notes guide you toward the installation of ExoSim using a Python virtual environment. You have to have Python and pip` installed already. Ask your computer administrator in case you need to install these components.


The current implementation of ExoSim 2 is compatible with Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.

Create the Virtual Environment

You can either create a Python Virtual Environment in your anaconda python or in a standard Python installation.


The Anaconda solution is cross-platform: the following instructions should work for Windows, iOS and Linux.

Assuming you have Anaconda installed in your system, you can simply install ExoSimVE following this procedure. Open the Anaconda command shell, or if you are on a Unix system just open the console.

You can create a Virtual Environment as

conda create --name ExoSimVE python=3.9

The program will ask you if you want to install some standard packages: accept them.

You can now activate or deactivate the Virtual Environment as

conda activate ExoSimVE
conda deactivate

If you have a standard Python installation, you still can work with Virtual Environment. You have to have Python virtualenv` installed. For Linux you can do that as:

mkdir ExoSimVE
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.9 ExoSimVE

Then activate the virtual environment. If using csh, type

source ExoSimVE/bin/activate.csh

(check virtual environment documentation when using a different shell)

If you don’t want to use a virtual environment, check What if I don’t want to create a python virtual environment?

ExoSim package installation

Instal ExoSim

The ExoSim package is hosted on Pypi repository. You can install it by

pip install exosim

You can clone ExoSim from our main git repository

git clone

Move into the ExoSim folder

cd /your_path/ExoSim2.0

Then, just do

pip install .

To test for correct setup you can do

python -c "import exosim"

If no errors appeared then it was successfully installed. Additionally the exosim program should now be available in the command line


Uninstall ExoSim

ExoSim is installed in your system as a standard python package: you can uninstall it from your Environment as

pip uninstall exosim

Upgrade ExoSim

If you have installed ExoSim from PyPi, now you can update the package simply as

pip install exosim --upgrade

If you have installed ExoSim from Git, you can download or pull a newer version of ExoSim over the old one, replacing all modified data.

Then you have to place yourself inside the installation directory with the console

cd /your_path/ExoSim2.0

Now you can update ExoSim simply as

pip install . --upgrade

or simply

pip install .

Modify ExoSim

You can modify ExoSim main code, editing it as you prefer, but in order to make the changes effective

pip install . --upgrade

or simply

pip install .

To produce new ExoSim functionalities and contribute to the code, please see Contributing guidelines.